Nancy Benjamin


Nancy Benjamin is an economic researcher associated with DPRU at the University of Cape Town. She was previously a Senior Economist at the World Bank. Following a PhD in economics from the University of California at Berkeley, she worked as an Assistant Professor at Syracuse University, in the Asia Department of the IMF, and in the Research Department of the US International Trade Commission, and published on resource-rich countries, the impact of trade policy on productivity and growth, non-tariff barriers, and trade in services. At the World Bank, she worked on West African and Middle Eastern countries, focusing on public expenditures, growth, governance, and informality, as well as the regulation of multi-country infrastructure. She has enjoyed working closely with World Bank client countries; her work on the informal sector is the product of extensive collaboration with local research teams.


Shanta Devarajan

Shanta Devarajan

Shanta Devarajan is a professor of the practice of international development at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. He was previously at the World Bank, where he was the senior director for Development Economics, the chief economist of the Middle East and North Africa, Africa, and South Asia regions and the Human Development Network. He was also a director of the 2004 World Development Report, Making Services Work for Poor People. Before 1991, Shanta was on the faculty of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley, and an A. B. in mathematics from Princeton University.

Prof. Bala Mulloth, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, UVA.


Prof Bala MullothBala Mulloth is a globally oriented educator who has lived and worked in Asia, Europe and North America. His focus areas are innovation and social entrepreneurship, and he is currently an Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the University of Virginia's Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. He is also the Co-Founder of Hava, a materials science venture that creates advanced fabrics that help people breathe clean air. In addition to these roles, he is a Research Fellow at the U. S Army Research Laboratory. He was formerly an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary and the Program Director of CEU’s experiential New York City MBA program; a Visiting Faculty Fellow at the National Defense University; and the Senior Manager of New York University Tandon School of Engineering’s Office of Innovation Development, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship. He holds a PhD in Technology Management from New York University Tandon School of Engineering. 

Prof AHOURE Alban, Directeur de la CAPEC

Prof AHOURE AlbanProf AHOURE Alban Alphonse Emmanuel, Professeur titulaire en Economie, Maître de Conférences Agrégé des Sciences Economiques, CAMES 2013, PhD en Sciences Economiques, Université de Kobé, JAPON. Il est Enseignant-Chercheur, UFRSEG, Université  Félix Houphouët Boigny de Cocody,

Directeur de la Cellule d’Analyse de Politiques Economiques du CIRES (CAPEC) et Chef du projet de recherche CRDI. 

Spécialités:  Microéconomie,  Economie  des  Organisations,  Economie  du  Travail  et  des Ressources Humaines, Economie des Institutions, Evaluation des    Projets et Programmes de Développement.  Il a obtenu Prix du Graduate School of Economics, Université de Kobé, récompensant la meilleure thèse sur les problèmes économiques contemporains du Japon.

Serigne Moustapha Sene, Conseiller technique au Cabinet du Ministre de l'économie, du plan et de la coopération

femmeM. Serigne Moustapha SENE est conseiller technique au Cabinet du Ministre de l'économie, du plan et de la coopération du Sénégal.

M. SENE a occupé plusieurs postes au sein du ministère, notamment ceux de directeur de la prévision et de chef des études dans le cadre des simulations des impacts de politique économique. Il a aussi représenté le Sénégal auprès d'organes délibérants au niveau africain.

M. SENE dispose aussi d'une longue expérience de collaboration scientifique avec des institutions internationales dont London School of Economics, IFO Institute for Economic Research (Munich), Institut de renforcement des capacités du Fonds monétaire international, Nations unies. Il a à son actif plusieurs articles sur l’économie sénégalaise dont la plupart sont consultables sur internet.

 M. SENE a été chargé de cours dans l'enseignement supérieur. Il est titulaire d'un master en économie publique, d'un doctorat en sciences économiques ainsi que de plusieurs certificats de spécialisation. »

